Elecom’s TK-FDP055BK keyboard use a touch pad to replace common numerical pad keys that enable users with Windows 8 to use the new gestures in the OS, price for the gadget is about 105 dollars. ...
Amazing optical illusion caught at the perfect moment by Reddit user Liammm. It’s a photo of draining kitchen sink that looks like an eye at that moment. Source
A full size keyboard is much more comfortable than smartphone’s or tablet’s compact keyboard, revolutionary laser projection keyboard lets you type on any flat surfaces that can track user’s fingers via Bluetooth for efficiency and ...
The FMCG Full Scale Formula 1 Simulator designed by International FMCG International can offer people who never get the chance to steer a real Formula 1 race car a chance to experience an immersed sense. ...
A hotel with unique design is also an attractive place to tourists, Wadi Rum luxury resort designed by Oppenheim architects in Wadi Rum, Jordan exactly meets the case, which will be carved into the side ...
XFIRE safety light is designed for people who ride bike at night, which can project super bright LED taillight lane markers on road that is visible even under car headlights and street lamps. Weather and ...
LifeStraw personal water filter, an essential tool for the ultralight backpacker, camper, hiker, traveler, hunter and any emergency situation that will offer easy access to clean and safe water. LifeStraw designed by Vestergaard Frandsen doesn’t ...
Simple and elegant Balloon Lamp designed by Kouichi Okamoto has no electric cord, so it can be easily hung from the attached hook in any room inside or out or you can move it from ...
Eye-catching concept of electricity towers that looks like giants holding overhead power lines was designed by Choi+Shine architects, existing electricity towers in Iceland will be transformed into male and female statues if the project gets ...
These amazing shadows of humans and different animals formed by light projected through piles of garbage and various objects in mess were created by British artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster. Source Video
The environment-friendly computer keyboards are made out of walnut and maple wood by French company Oree, this handmade wireless gadget is compatible with computers, smart phones and tablets that equip with Bluetooth. Source
British artists Mariana Fantich and Dominic Young designed a pair of creepy shoes with hundreds of fake human teeth and a suit out of human hair and glass eyes, which is absolutely an excellent costume ...
Body paint artist Trina Merry created a creative project commissioned by International Motorcycle Shows that the human bodies were positioned in different yoga poses to form various sculptures in shapes of bikes and cruiser motorcycles. ...
The Eden hotel in Kaohsiung, Taiwan has a room like Batman’s cave where it’s a great place for Batman lovers that is equipped with Dark Knight themed furniture, TV, paintings, etc. Source
They’re healthiest food in the world, dare you eat them? These three-dimensional human skulls made out of fruits and vegetables were created by Russian artist Dimitri Tsykalov. Perhaps we can make a salad with those ...
Inspirational land art created by artist Sylvain Meyer that branches, leaves, flowers and stones were arranged into creative and beautiful patterns, circles and shapes. Source
These elegant and beautiful necklaces, bracelets, and earrings made by French designers Claire & Arnaud are inspired by the Japanese origami art, which is named “Origami Jewellery” and is globally sold in fashion stores. Source
Tree branch inspired wooden bookshelf designed by French designer Olivier Dolle is more of a decoration for people to put favorite books not too much, of course, adding more branches or trees is a great ...
Covini C6W, an unusual sports car equipped with four steering front wheels. The unique steering system gives Covini C6W great directional stability, braking and handling when it’s running at the highest speed of 300 kilometers ...