Animated poster series created by Malaysian illustrator Tang Yau Hoong feature inspirational and motivational quotes paired with beautiful and brilliant illustrations. Source
Sam Pearce designed a sort of innovative wheels called LoopWheels that feature built-in springs inside as suspension to provide more comfortable ride. 20 inch LoopWheels is ready for production and the larger is still during ...
Incredible shadow and light sculptures made out of different objects are projected onto white walls or board by lights and mirrors from specific angle to create such incredible works of art. Source Video
Such works of art you must view from a specific angle, amazing 3D pencil drawings created by Syrian artist Muhammad Ejleh, some of which are accordingly colored and combined with some real objects to enhance ...
Brad Downey, an American artist who lives and works in Berlin, made impressive street art on the sidewalks in different cities that consists of graffiti, sculptures , art installations and chalk drawings. Can you make ...
Talented designers Thyra Hilden and Pio Diaz created this innovative and cool lamp named ‘Forms in Nature’ that can transform your bedroom into a mysterious forest by projecting realistic shadows of trees and branches onto ...
Unique flexible bookshelf created by Natascha Harra-Frischkorn is great for modern living room or office, which can be easily adjusted shapes and resized to fit objects and book in different sizes. Video Source
Humorous Lion Hat handmade by Nestasnest is a great pet costume for cats or small dogs, which can immediately make them into a brave lion. This funny pet costume is made out of synthetic fur, ...
I’m obliged to say these beautiful 3D illusion artworks created by artist Keng Lye on multiple layers of transparent resin are really awesome! Inspired by Riusuke Fukahori’s painting technique, Keng Lye, a Singapore based painter, ...
The eco-friendly rechargeable battery named USBCELL can save money and reduce waste, which can be easily recharged through standard USB port and designed to be recharged hundreds of times. Order here
Superheroes in comic books and movies in a dark future world are sponsored by famous companies, say, Nike, Coca-Cola, Red Bull, McDonald’s, Adidas and so on. The photo series are created by Italian art director ...
These cute Neko-Sushi photos of cats on top of sushi rice beds are made by Tange and Nakimushi Peanuts, which is a Japanese company that designs creative photos, calendars, and posters. Source Video 1 ...
It’s an innovative outdoor shower for your backyard, garden, terrace, or balcony, which is called Upside Down Shower and is designed by Danny Venlet for Viteo. Source
“Prison Hotel”, a modern luxury hotel in the Netherlands was made over from a former prison that opened in 1862 and served until 2002. In 2007, this building was converted into a comfortable hotel.
Unique transparent speaker designed by People People in Stockholm, Sweden, looks great in home, recording studio, or office, of which the front panel allows easy Bass, Treble, and Volume adjustments to produces great sound. It ...
This luxury apartment in New York has four bedrooms, 32 large panoramic windows offering great views of the Manhattan skyline, indoor balconies, glass floors, integrated climbing wall, and even a tubular slide through all four ...
Vittra Telefonplan school in Stockholm, Sweden, is a unique school without classrooms where students can freely move around the open spaces filled with colorful furniture, learning zones, workstations. This modern school was designed by Rosan ...
Oodesign, a Japanese company, produced a simple but really creative and beautiful vase named Ripple Vase that looks like a ripple. The transparent vase can float on the surface of water and become almost invisible. ...