The sofas named “Wings” and “Unfolded” are created by talented designer Michael Egan, which have simple and elegant style in common with respective features. “Wings” has a floating effect like a boat, and the layered ...
Emmanuelle Moureaux is a French-born and Tokyo-based architect, who is well known for her wonderful use of colors. Since 2003 in Tokyo, Emmanuelle Moureaux had aimed to carve out a career of her own in ...
Interactive installation named “What Will You Leave Behind?” by Nino Sarabutra is created out of 100,000 miniature porcelain skulls that cover the floor of Sundaram Tagore Gallery in Singapore. Nino Sarabutra asked the people who ...
Electrolux HandCleaner designed by Érik Gurski Lima is a mobile and easy solution for sterilization of hands when the source of clean water and soap isn’t easy and fast, of which the principle is the ...
Your little princess will exclaim in delight when she sees beautiful bed sheets that high resolution photos of nice dress and diamond tiara are printed on the duvet cover and the pillowcase. Princess Dress bed ...
Eye-catching photos of all sorts of beards and mustaches captured by Greg Anderson, a photographer from Las Vegas, who took these funny photographs of facial hair at the National Beard and Mustache Championships. Source
These hyper-realistic paintings were created by Patrick Kramer, an artist born in Kaysville, Utah, the youngest child of German immigrants. Patrick Kramer had been taking art classes throughout high school and was encouraged by his ...
Well-known German automaker BMW released a dual cutting-edge roadster concept with typical features of BMW design, say, aggressive look, sporting and dynamic character, and so on. This new concept auto called Vision ConnectedDrive represents the ...
Artist Ronen Tinman of Studio Tinman got an awesome idea at his fingertips that he turned upcycled car parts and pieces found at junkyards into functional art pieces, from Lexus sofas, tables, planters, TOYOTA tables, ...
St. Basil’s church in Moscow – Discover the full story beneath the surface at the Schusev State Museum of Architecture. Created by ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi Torture museum.The single human sandwich billboard in the ...
Amazingly vivid glass creations created by Artist Dale Chihuly in the newly improved community space at Seattle Center, which is named Chihuly Garden and Glass. Dale Chihuly was born in 1941 in Tacoma, Washington, who ...
The artistic food carvings are created by Ilian Iliev, a food photographer from Manchester, UK, he was once a news photographer and was engaged in commercial photography before he got into his own work of ...
These surreal photographs were created with photo-manipulation technique by Artist Lara Zankoul, who was born in Lebanon and graduated from the American University of Beirut with a Masters in Economics, in 2008, she began her ...
Last year, British luxury car manufacturer Jaguar announced that they would indeed produce the concept car C-X75 and there would only be 250 limited edition vehicles produced, which would be offered in both left and ...
These modern hyper-realism oil paintings are created by Teresa Elliott, a native of Weatherford and Texas based independent graphic designer, whose artworks are in the collections of famous galleries and private owners in North America, ...
The Arsenal Firearms Double Barrel Pistol ($TBA) given the model number AF2011-A1 can fire 2 bullets with a single hand, two .45 caliber rounds at a time, which is created in part as a tribute ...
America (Burnt/Unburnt) work designed by French artist Claire Fontaine is created out of 1000 green-tipped matches, which represents a giant map of the U.S.A. Photos by PICA
Textile designer Melissa Christie designed creepy zombie bedding set for people who like zombie apocalypse theme, which includes a duvet cover and 2 pillowcases printed zombie arms and blood splats. Zombie bedding set is available ...
South Korea is planning to build the world’s first “invisible” skyscraper near the Incheon International Airport and has been approved by their government. The building designed by GDS Architects of Pasadena, California achieves the optical ...