Incredibly crafted bamboo insects by Noriyuki Saitoh look like they’re ready to crawl or take flight

In east Asian, bamboo’s a versatile and earth-friendly material that can be used to make tables, chairs, baskets and many other things, which is lightweight, durable and grows abundantly and rapidly. Japanese artist Noriyuki Saitoh delicately crafts a variety of insect sculptures from bamboo at a 1:1 scale that appear poised to fly off the hand. “Since we don’t make specimens or replicas, we prioritize the impression, characteristics, and sensation of appearance rather than strictly measuring the dimensions and creating proportions accurately. This is not a numerical value, but a decision based on observation, imagination, drawing, and experience.” Noriyuki Saitoh says on his website, “Also, apart from that, we perform quite emotional operations such as exaggerating the part you want to emphasize and making it larger.” Source

One thought on “Incredibly crafted bamboo insects by Noriyuki Saitoh look like they’re ready to crawl or take flight

  1. Thank you, Noriuki San, This is so delicate, so lifelike, it gives us a new appreciation of the beauty of these creatures that we sometimes ignore or even avoid.

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