Besides the material like wood, marble, or metal, this time, Alexander Chapelin, the creator of the concept “LA TABLE”, merges natural stone from the island of St. Martin in the French West Indies with resin ...
This building shaped like tents is designed by talented Japanese architect Issei Suma and is named “Jikka”, which features modern minimalism and a spiral-shaped indoor pool. Issei Suma designed this 100 square metres forest house ...
This scary glass walkway, as known as the Coiling Dragon Cliff skywalk, is attached up the side of Tianmen mountain in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Hunan Province, 4,600ft (1,403 metres) vertical height above the ground, ...
Dont’t be tired of miscellaneous items around your house, Bunny Bags produced by the YOU+MORE! brand from Felissimo can magically pack random desk junk or bathroom products into cute little bunnies. Inspired by traditional furoshiki, ...
Canadian Alexander artist McLachlin specializes in tiffany-style stained glass, who designs a modern series of terrariums with basic geometric guidelines and names it NightshadeGlass. Source
Russian Viktoria Soloveva is a Saint Petersburg based jewelry creator and a fan of “Mad Max” movies, “Fallout” and “Bioshock” games, who loves steampunk style and creates these beautiful accessories with gems and floral patterns in ...
The online shop OrangeCatMinsk designed this winged backpack that looks like a pair of angel wings folded behind your back, which is made of durable felted wool and is fully functional.
Meet the “Water Tables”, creative table designs by Derek Pearce look like animals floating in water. The handmade table consists of a flat glass surface and an animal sculpture made out of wood or metal. ...
Designed for the San Diego Comic-Con, Frank Ippolito, a special effects and makeup artist, worked with the team at Tested to make a creepy Lego mask & hands of flesh and blood. Watch it in ...
Dutch artist Rosa de Jong uses various materials, such as sticks brought in by her pet cat, sand from the Monument Valley and rocks from the Caribbean, to create tiny floating worlds inside glass test ...
These impressive and eye-catching headdresses are created by Chelsea Shiels, 27-year-old florist in Melbourne, who uses real seashells to make dreamy mermaid crowns. “I’ve always wanted to be Ariel. I’m a real beach bum. That ...
The art-collective of Berlin-based Pirate Printers (Raubdruckerin) found an inspirational way, by using manhole covers, vents, and utility grates, to create unique geometrical shapes and patterns on T-shirt and bag. They have visited Amsterdam, Lisbon, ...
End of the Line, a photo series of an abandoned train graveyard in Bolivia that was captured by Bolivian Chris Staring, a Melbourne-based Australian photographer and traveler. The train graveyard is located near the city ...
Fashion is always beyond our imagination. Looking back to the 1960s, “the bigger is the better”, it’s the fashion trend that seemed to be very common among women. Source
Shark tea bag design by DaiSho Fisheries company features a swimming shark in the water while bleeding out red tea; they’re trying to bring their design to market through a crowd-funding campaign on Makauke. Video
Rechargeable bottle light is designed by Steve Gates, a home accessory and gift company, which can transform any old glass bottles into a stylish lamp and glow for up to 3 hours at a time ...
This artistic installation called the Perch Light Family is created by Umut Yamac, a London-based architect and designer, which is a continuation of his project from 2014, Umut Yamac made an installation with 20 wind ...
Inspired by the image of sitting cats, Rato Kim, a Seoul, South Korea based toy artist, creates this cute Bread Cat with different facial expressions. Source
The largest treehouse in Japan is created by Takashi Kobayashi for the Risonare Resort, teamed with Hiroshi Nakamura of NAP Architects, they built the treehouse around a towering, 300-year-old camphor tree in Atami. The team ...
The El Ateneo Grand Splendid is a stunning bookshop that was named the second most beautiful bookshop in the world by The Guardian, which is built within an old building in Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires, ...