The winner of this year’s Underwater Photographer of the Year contest is a shot featuring a pair of the white-bellied sharks cruising underneath a French Polynesian Sunset, which was captured by California-based photographer Renee Capozzola, ...
Rosie Hardy, a 23-year-old artist from Manchester, UK, has become one of the most prominent photographers in Flickr community. Rosie Hardy’s obsession with photography makes her work truly stand out.
Being a pilot will give you a different perspective to view the world, like Santiago Borja Lopez, a Quito, Ecuador-based pilot for a South American airline, who captures spectacular sights in the air from his ...
Photographer Albert Dros captured the erupting Fuego Volcano against the Milky Way in one shoot, who shows us his great photography skills with his impressive photo series featuring the natural beauty of Guatemala.
Vadim Stein, a Ukrainian photographer based in St. Petersburg, Russia, majored in sculpture and restoration. He’s inspired by his subjects and captured graceful photos of dancers in motion. “Solving the aesthetic problem, I also reveal many ...
These magical and beautiful photos of flowers and plants were taken by Robert Bulteman, a California-based photographer, without using camera, lens or computer, who used Kirlian photography techniques, a sort of photographic techniques used to ...
Photo series of jellyfish by Russian biologist Alexander Semenov represents a stunning and otherworldly experience. This sort of jellyfish named lion’s mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) is the world’s largest known species of jellyfish. Source
Stunning photos of waves were captured by David Orias, a Santa Barbara-based photographer, who shot these beautiful moments along the coast of Southern California. Source
As a crane operator, amateur photographer Wei Gensheng took advantage of this job to capture stunning aerial photos of Shanghai over 2,000 feet high, whose work won second prize in Shanghai City Photography Competition. ...