old photos
Color postcards of Tunisia more than a hundred years ago in 1899
Old black and white photographs of horrible London Smog between 1910s to 1950s
Rare Historic B&W Photos We Probably Haven’t Yet Seen Before
Women clothing style of Roaring Twenties
Digital artist colorized historic black and white pictures of famous landmarks under construction
Rare photographs taken in the Victorian era showing that they weren’t as serious as we thought
Nuclear holiday in 1950s Sin City
Germany Around 1900 – Beautiful Germany before the two World Wars
Rare photos of 20-year-old Marilyn Monroe before she was famous

In 1946, Marilyn Monroe was at 20 age, she and her lover, photographer André de Dienes, went to Malibu beach and took photographs during their travel. “She was twenty and had never experienced the intoxication of success, yet already there was a shadow over her radiance, in her laughter. I asked her to react instinctively, without giving herself time to think, to the words happiness, surprise, reflection, doubt, peace of mind, sadness, self-torment… and death. When I said ‘death’ she took hold of the folded dark-cloth and covered her head with it. Death to her was blackness, nothingness. I tried to coax another reaction from her. Death might be a beginning, the hope of an everlasting light. She shook her head: ‘That’s what death is for me.’ She turned towards me, her face set and despairing, eyes dulled, her mouth suddenly bereft of colour. To her, death was the end of everything.” The photographer said in his own words. Source